I Have a tvbox H96MAX s905x3 model:x3 4gb 64gb .
I Had no problems with Em 4.1 everything works fine, when i install Em 4.2 using same directory’s, mame won’t work.
other directory works fine
Someone knows the problem?
I Have a tvbox H96MAX s905x3 model:x3 4gb 64gb .
I Had no problems with Em 4.1 everything works fine, when i install Em 4.2 using same directory’s, mame won’t work.
other directory works fine
Someone knows the problem?
maybe a little more precise
I’m using the same directory (mame roms that i used in 4.1) and in 4.2 everything seems to be normal when i open mame dir i see the game pics bud when i start a game it ends in a crash of emuelec and this with all the games in mame dir
Could you provide log to understand the problem? (Emuelec.log). Thanks for reporting
i don’t know how i can access the log file, sorry need help for that.
I have just a windows pc where i can see my sd card with a card reader.
Please read the wiki entry: Common Questions FAQ · EmuELEC/EmuELEC Wiki · GitHub
Easiest way to submit logs is by using the script “Send Logs” in the setup section on Emulationstation then send the returning URL, but you need to be connected to the internet.
logs are located in:
logfiles/ (if using samba/network shares)
for the add-on they are located in the logs folder inside the add-on folder
If you are having problems launching a game the most important log is “emuelec.log” you need to send the one created right after you get the error.
If the log is to big use a site like pastebin.
EmuELEC Run Log
EmuELEC (Official - EmuELEC is FREE! NOT FOR SALE!): 4.2 (Amlogic-ng.aarch64)
ROM NAME: /storage/roms/mame/1942b.zip
BASE ROM NAME: 1942b.zip
USING CONFIG: /storage/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
1st Argument: /storage/roms/mame/1942b.zip
2nd Argument: -Pmame
3rd Argument: --core=AdvanceMame
4th Argument: --emulator=AdvanceMame
Full arguments: /storage/roms/mame/1942b.zip -Pmame --core=AdvanceMame --emulator=AdvanceMame --controllers=-p1index 0 -p1guid 030000005e0400008e02000010010000
Run Command is:
/usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/advmame.sh /storage/roms/mame/1942b.zip
Emulator Output is:
e[?25lALSA lib /mnt/Sx05RE_SSD/CoreELEC/build.EmuELEC-Amlogic-ng.aarch64-4.2/alsa-lib-1.1.9/src/pcm/pcm.c:2564:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM sdl
EmuELEC Run Log
EmuELEC (Official - EmuELEC is FREE! NOT FOR SALE!): 4.2 (Amlogic-ng.aarch64)
ROM NAME: /storage/roms/mame/aburner.zip
BASE ROM NAME: aburner.zip
USING CONFIG: /storage/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
1st Argument: /storage/roms/mame/aburner.zip
2nd Argument: -Pmame
3rd Argument: --core=AdvanceMame
4th Argument: --emulator=AdvanceMame
Full arguments: /storage/roms/mame/aburner.zip -Pmame --core=AdvanceMame --emulator=AdvanceMame --controllers=-p1index 0 -p1guid 030000005e0400008e02000010010000
Run Command is:
/usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/advmame.sh /storage/roms/mame/aburner.zip
Emulator Output is:
e[?25lALSA lib /mnt/Sx05RE_SSD/CoreELEC/build.EmuELEC-Amlogic-ng.aarch64-4.2/alsa-lib-1.1.9/src/pcm/pcm.c:2564:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM sdl
Please follow the WiKi entry to submit your logs, that log is not complete, and does not gives any info
I used setup script/ file manager in emuelec … /emuelec/logs/emuelec.log … vieuw , and it’s all there nothing more.
Ok you are using Advance MAME, temporarily change the core or wait for the new version to come out, there is already a fix for this: advmame.sh: unset DISPLAY for Amlogic and Amlogic-ng · EmuELEC/EmuELEC@bc2bc47 · GitHub
Thanks, now I see the problem, the games are running but not displaying correctly or wrong resolution (black screen); using libretro cores like mame2003-plus works& shows correctly.
Thanks everyone to help
I got this same issue when changing the native video screen to 480p, currently it’s not supported.