Problem with bluetooth in X96_max_Plus2_T

I have the X96_max_Plus2_T box, which contains the am7256 wifi/bluetooth IC and I can’t be able to make bluetooth work properly because I cannot pair 2 PS3 bluetooth controllers at once, and also can’t reconnect when I restart the system, I think it’s a driver problem, because with other versions of x96max+ which contains the cdtech 4761743 there wasn’t any problems.

I’ve tried everything, I follow this tuto from Halogen blog to make the wifi work, but bluetooth still have the problems

I also ask my vendor for the drivers and he gave me this:
System files

I tried to put the system files in /storage/.config/firmware/brcm
I tried to build the system from zero in ubuntu, but I’m not sure if I’m implementing well the drivers my vendor have me, but when I perform dmesg | grep dhd I obtain this

[    0.986258] <6>[    0.986258@3] aml_wifi wifi: [wifi_dev_probe] dhd_static_buf setup
[    0.986272] <6>[    0.986272@3] Wifi: bcmdhd_init_wlan_mem: bcmdhd_init_wlan_mem(): 100.10.545.3
[    0.987300] <6>[    0.987300@3] Wifi: bcmdhd_init_wlan_mem: bcmdhd_init_wlan_mem prealloc ok
[   11.973941] <4>[   11.973941@2] dhd_module_init: in Dongle Host Driver, version 100.10.545.5 (r826445-20190922-1) (amlogic-20191015-3)

Suggest that the driver version is the 100.10.545.x which is the one implementing in CoreELEC, and I’ve also tried to pull the package in projects/Amlogic-ce/packages/linux-drivers/amlogic/ap6xxx-aml/ to EmuELEC dev branch and it still the same problem

I’m running out of ideas, just left build the system with the drivers my vendor gave me, please someone check my fork of the and ap6xxx to see if I’m implementing the driver from my vendor well, thanks!

Have you got WiFi & BT working in CoreELEC? I haven’t checked the status of recent CoreELEC.