Diegrosan has compiled a working EmuELEC-ne image. The code will be shared soon for testing.
have posted a video in Portuguese on You Tube showing the installation and tests I did with S905W2, S905Y4 and S905X4! It worked! This is the link to the video: https://youtu.be/utBgVmSO0pk?si=Qh9Ugp_pTmU_2TAI
Would be happy to try on ugoos sk1 if there is a shareable dtb and image
Diegro has just compiled the image and made it available on github for testing. Here it is: Release EmuELEC-NE 4.8 (Teste) UNOFFICIAL Supported SoCs: A311D2, S905W2, S905X4, S905Y4 · Diegrosan/EmuELEC4.8teste · GitHub
As for the dtb, it can be obtained in the CoreELEC image. Go to Downloads/21.2-Omega/New Installation/Select Your Device/Ugoos SK1 and download the CoreELEC-Amlogic-ne.aarch64-21.2-Omega-Generic.img.gz image.
Then, with 7ZIP, extract the device_trees folder and there you will find the dtb: s5_s928x_ugoos_sk1_8g.dtb
If you test it, please let me know here if it worked!
I used a translator!
The image does not seem to work with the s928 dtb.img from coreelec.
The boot halts at boot step mount_flash with error mounting /flash. Even the key board did not work which might indicate an incompatibility with the dtb (?) so cannot get any logs off the device.
So I replaced the kernel with of coreelec with same dtb the system proceeds to boot resizing partitions doing a reboot,mounting and starting the services but eventually fails to start emuelec with text mode was able to get to console but trying to start emulec did not work. With textmode removed from config I end up with a blank screen.
Let me know if you need any information that might be helpful.
I’m a layman, I’m just reporting on the compilation. The developer of this project is Diegrosan, from git-hub where the image is hosted! Have you tried using the Khadas VIM4 image?
Thanks will give it a try have sent Diegrosan a friend request on discord and will dropped links to my attempts on github.
That’s great, I hope it can help you and that you can get a working EmuELEC-ne for your Ugoos! That would be fantastic!
And according to akp, S928X worked: Emuelec for Ugoos SK1 - #3 by josemarprete