Retroarch menu issue in emuelec4.6

When a menu is called out in the game, it is always ozone mode,even if it has changed to the xmb mode. how to resolve it?

who can help me? oh my god

who can help me? oh my god

oh my god… How about giving people here a little more time to deal with the topic and to be able to provide any help?

Nevertheless, some further information (which hardware, EmuElec version, which system and which game?) - and possibly even a photo/screenshot and more detailed information on when/how the whole thing occurs - would certainly be helpful.

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Geez man, take it easy.
I’ve had this issue as well, I know I changed the RetroArch menu driver in many places. Also, what @vain said is absolutely valid, give us some more information.

That being said, the first things I’d try before saying this could be a problem for real is:

  • Change menu driver in EmuELEC settings (before entering the game);
  • Enter a game and change the menu driver via Retroarch’s game menu;
  • Don’t forget to check if Retroarch has the “save on exit” config ticked or something like that.

Well, that’s what I’d do on my EmuELEC if I was as desperate as you are. But your best bet is to wait for someone that knows better to reply, my advice might f* something up, so be careful.