Password protect emuelec


Could someone please help me set the password for the windows shares that seem to be open on the network, and also change the default username and pw for ssh?

So changing the password for ssh, you can just ssh, type “passwd” and it will ask you for a new one.
But I can’t work out how to set passwords on the windows shares. Anyone?

I have not tested this:

  • cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /storage/.config/samba.conf
  • cp /usr/share/services/samba.conf /storage/.cache/services
  • Edit the /storage/.cache/services/samba.conf to fit your needs
  • Run /usr/lib/samba/smbd-config
  • Reboot

There is " ROMS on CIFS SAMBA shares" on EmuELEC Wiki:

Isn’t it not enough? It works for me.