Hi ,
I would like to try Sega saturn “yabasanshiro” core on S905 ARCH=aarch64 Emuelec 4.3.
It is not enabled on Emuelec build , i understand it is demanding core and mostly my box will hardlly run its roms . however i believe some of the roms/ games will work , i mean Mortal kombat trilogy as an exampel .
Is there anyway i can enable it on ARCH=aarch64 Emuelec build just to try it ??
Hi ,
I followed the instructions on github.
1- I have added yabasanshiro_libretro.so from the listed cores on github to temp/cores
2- I edit es_systems.cfg and added the core .
Saturn playlist appeared on ES after i copyed a game files to it as normal.
The game showed up in the games list on saturn.
Starting game crashes .
On game option there is no “ADVance GAME OPTIONS”
The log show this
EmuELEC Run Log
Retro emulation for Amlogic Devices
Based on CoreELEC
EmuELEC (Official - EmuELEC is FREE! NOT FOR SALE!): 4.3 (Amlogic.aarch64)
PLATFORM: saturn
ROM NAME: /storage/roms/saturn/Mortal Kombat Trilogy (USA) (DW0641).cue
BASE ROM NAME: Mortal Kombat Trilogy (USA) (DW0641).cue
USING CONFIG: /storage/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
1st Argument: /storage/roms/saturn/Mortal Kombat Trilogy (USA) (DW0641).cue
2nd Argument: -Psaturn
3rd Argument: --core=yabasanshiro
4th Argument: --emulator=libarto
Full arguments: /storage/roms/saturn/Mortal Kombat Trilogy (USA) (DW0641).cue -Psaturn --core=yabasanshiro --emulator=libarto --controllers=-p1index 0 -p1guid 03000000790000000600000010010000 -p2index 1 -p2guid 03000000790000000600000010010000
Run Command is:
Confirm that now it is as it should
sorry about that it is 2 o´clock in the morning here , i think i need some sleep
i think i still need the saturn bios
Yes , however i learned something new
acually i have updated 4.3 cores to latest 4.5 cores , do you remember the Hypsus singe issue i had ? that is fixed on the latest hypseus on 4.5 , singe gamese is running out of the box , no need to modify anything as i discribed before .