Roms are being moved to roms_backup on Restart

As for mixing multiple drives’ roms, I’m not looking for anything too fancy or too automated, the scripts with symbolic links are enough to hit the flexibility I wanted. But thanks for letting me know about this file, I didn’t know it even existed.

The 4.6 test image is released and it includes the fix I mentioned earlier, you can use the test image without hacking your way to resolve the roms_backup problem on 2-partition layout now

Release 4.6-TEST-07082022 · EmuELEC/EmuELEC-tests (

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That’s cool! I’m looking forward to the official release as someone commented on another thread that the S905x4 might be supported, so i’ll take a look on what changed. Thanks for the reminder.

As for the custom “bizarre” script I wrote, I ended up upgrading it so that it creates symlinks to console folders instead of linking game by game, it is faster and can link the “images” folder as well, I won’t post it here because it is a rather big file and might pollute the big-enough thread. But if anyone wants it, let me know and I can post somewhere.