Hello there. I just found EmuELEC a few days ago by accident and so far I’m LOVING it! I even bought two Logitech F710 to enjoy games! So first of all, I would like to send a huge THANK YOU to the contributors for making this project possible.
That being said, I began to research the limits of the platform, because as a programmer, I always like to play with config files and stuff. I discovered that there is some “partial” support for GC/Wii games through Dolphin.
Now, I know there’s no official support for Dolphin/GameCube and Wii games, or at least that’s what I have deduced after reading the wiki, the forums, the net in general… Although I remember seeing on an issue that 4.2 would have some automatic configs for Dolphin but anyways, by now all has to be done manually, and that’s fine by me.
Also, I know that not all devices can run GC recently, but as an owner of a GT KING PRO, I decided to give it a try.
It seems to me that there’s almost no info on how to configure this. I downloaded Dolphin packages within RetroArch with the Content Downloader option (or whatever is called, can’t remember exactly now). I placed roms inside gamecube folder within roms folder. All is good, game is running smoothly but, no controller input whatsover. Luckily enough, Hotkey+Start exits the game (without double press check this time).
Now, I’ve found a couple of post in other forums talking about a mapping config file for the controller. I don’t know if rules allow me to post them here, will do if allowed. But in short, I still don’t know these:
1 - Where to put this mapping file?
2 - How to configure it? I have to specify my controller dev name and I have no idea what would that be
3 - How to map buttons? I don’t know my keycodes or what the mapping file expects me to put for button mapping
Also, hotkeys do not work, pressing R3+L3 for bringing up RetroArch menu does not work. Is this normal?
Thanks in advance.