Do you have a “Must Have List” of preferred games? There are so many stuff around and I really don’t like to install thousands of games that I will never use? I love to keep it simple and clean with few games.
My list is
Bubble Bobble - GBA
Super Mario - GBA
Sonic The Hedgehog - genesis
Street Fighter PSX
Wipeout PSX
Super Mario - SNES
and few others I don’t really use much.
isn’t it quite plain and boring? Please help enrich it!
Top Ten list will vary so much from person to person, but here is mine from the top of my head, in no particular order.
1.- Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link (NES)
2.- Adventure Island 1 (NES)
3.- Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
4.- Super Mario World (SNES)
5.- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the past (SNES)
6.- Galaga (Arcade)
7.- Any Tony Hawk game on Playstation, but 2 might be my choice.
8.- Outrun (PSP)
9.- Black Belt (Master System)
10.- Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (Genesis)
But there are so many other good games, a top 10 list just does not cut it