Instructions on getting dolphin working on a lower resolution here!

These instructions are outdated, and as shantigilbert said can easily cause EmuElec versioning issues. If you use the latest EmuELEC version (4.3 or more) you can do the following:

  1. SSH into the device.
  2. Find and edit the file: /storage/.config/emulationstation/es_features.cfg
  3. Any Emulator core you wish to have native resolution option: modify the features attribute of the core element of xml like so and add to the values “nativevideo”.
    For example for N64 from:
 <core name="mupen64plus_next" features="netplay, rewind, autosave, cheevos" />


 <core name="mupen64plus_next" features="netplay, rewind, autosave, cheevos, nativevideo" />
  1. Save and exit.
  2. Restart EmulationStation, then in the gamelist you changed press “select” >> Advanced system options, and the native video option should be present.