Instructions on getting dolphin working on a lower resolution here!

Instructions on getting dolphin working on a lower resolution here!

Hopefully I’ve explained everything ok.

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everything looks like great! but i know nothing about linux… :cry:

These instructions are outdated, and as shantigilbert said can easily cause EmuElec versioning issues. If you use the latest EmuELEC version (4.3 or more) you can do the following:

  1. SSH into the device.
  2. Find and edit the file: /storage/.config/emulationstation/es_features.cfg
  3. Any Emulator core you wish to have native resolution option: modify the features attribute of the core element of xml like so and add to the values “nativevideo”.
    For example for N64 from:
 <core name="mupen64plus_next" features="netplay, rewind, autosave, cheevos" />


 <core name="mupen64plus_next" features="netplay, rewind, autosave, cheevos, nativevideo" />
  1. Save and exit.
  2. Restart EmulationStation, then in the gamelist you changed press “select” >> Advanced system options, and the native video option should be present.

thanks for your reply,i‘ll try it :smiley: