I own an Odroid N2+ and i think it should be fast enough, to emulate some NDS and PS2 games.
Has someone experience how to add them? thanks
i managed to add a new system changing the cfg file. When trying to run a NDS game, the screen gets black and nothnig else happens. I think there is somehwere something missing. (like which emu should be used)
After using the Raspberry Pi 3 for a long time, i moved to the Odroid N2+ instead to the Raspberry Pi 4. The Pi may be a nice toy - but personally i like the Odroid N2+ and its hardware and features, even its performance much more!
I have read and saw videos on the web, where people got NDS and PS2 working with newer and optimized emulators (cores). Btw, even the Pi4 seems to have no problems to get even PS2 games work. Check this link: PS2 games on Pi4
However, it would be nice to try to get most PS2 games running on Odroid N2+ with EmuElec too.
Btw, an Odroind N3 or N3+ having the horse power to run even PS2 and PS3 games would be cool. But until now i have no informations about a new version.