Problem building EmuELEC image

I’ve add some BT and Wifi drives to EmuELEC 4.1
I’m trying to build with ubuntu- via windows VM 10gb RAM 200gb HDD 128MB video memory.
I cannot build the image, it gave me the following error:

It seems it’s an error with this package GitHub - EmuELEC/gptokeyb: Gamepad to Keyboard/mouse/xbox360 emulator because it couldn’t find the libevdev package. BTW I’ve installed this package also and still no luck
Any ideas?

Log [1;36mGET[0m gptokeyb (git) [1;31mDELETE[0m (/home/kevinrivm/ -

Please add libevdev to the depends and try again.

PKG_DEPENDS_TARGET="toolchain SDL2-git libevdev"

Its ok like this sir


No, you need to add it to the on EmuELEC in /packages/sx05re/tools/sysutils/gptokeyb/

Sorry for late reply,

Finally I could make it work, I add the dependants as you said.

The pont was to make it work the Bluetooth and Wifi for the x96max+ Q2 version with chip cdtech 4761743 with uses the drivers qca6174.

My procedure was to compare some releases of CE in which the drivers where added and modify the files in EE accordingly:

I’ll make a pull request mate, hope it could help to the project.

Note: I’ve made all the changes in the master branch, I’ve seen the instructions on dev too late. Forgive me pls.

on your PR: Please remove the change from gptokeyb, and reopen the PR on the dev branch, just submit the changes for one thing at a time.