Running a MagicSee N5 Max 4 GB Android Box. Running the latest version of EmuELEC on a Samsung EVO 256GB TF card.
Mom and computer nerd. I’m the unwilling local tech support. I collect cameras and computers. I teach and write and sometimes play the drums. I love all kinds of games even though I usually suck. lol
I’m more of a story game kind of person. You know those choose your own adventures? Shooting games make me anxious. I’m more of a Princess Tomato and the Salad Kingdom kind of girl or Zelda. My first console was a zxSpectrum. I think? I just remember playing that game called Adventure that was just a bunch of white text on a screen and I hated it lol I was 5. That snake would piss me off because I couldn’t get past it. Anyone saw the throw back on Legion season 2? I died!
My first big console was an Atari 5600 and then the 7800 and then I moved to NES and I kind of never left lol
I’m lying, I bought a PS3and PS4 but it was all with the guise of buying it for the child. But yeah I had a huge gap inbetween there. Having a kid gave me nostalgia. Go figure.
New games people play make me dizzy but I do it as bonding with the child. At least VR treats me well. So yeah that’s me,